Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mathematics Is Useful

Mathematics Mathematics is Useful Mathematics can benefit everyone in any kind of way. Mathematics is also a necessity. From balancing a checkbook to a simple game of poker, you are using your math skills everywhere. As a cashier, I use my skills every time I go to work. Even though the machine does tell me what change to give back, and what is the total cost of all the products, I have to use my skills to count out the change.I also use my skills when marking down items, putting in coupons, and how much a bag of fruit or meat weighs. I am currently looking for a new phone for my phone plan I have now, I’m using my math skills to calculate how much my phone will be if I do a trade-in. Some more examples of how math is useful in everyday life are calculating a tip, using a recipe, playing pool, building a deck, and investing for retirement. Mathematics is Important Mathematics is essential for science, engineering, and research.Also mathematic proficiency is required for many j obs nowadays. Doing mathematics teaches patterns of problem-solving and insight that transfer to other knowledge domains. The career I chose is the Accounting field, and as you know, Accountants deal with money. Mathematics and accounting go hand in hand, though not as intertwined as people may believe. The purpose of having a strong mathematical background is to increase an accountant's cognitive ability.Many different accounting activities require the use mathematics or mathematical principles. Conclusion Understanding what math abilities are necessary can help individuals prepare for this business process. Accounting activities are full of basic and advanced calculations. These are often necessary to understand what information needs to go into a company's general ledger. Many calculations require basic math principles. Other times, however, many complex issues may require the use of multiple calculations.It is important to have basic math and algebra skills to complete these tas ks and report accurate financial information. References Chartier, T. (December 2012) Math is Everywhere: Applications of Finite Math Retrieved March 26, 2013 from https://www. udemy. com/math-is-everywhere-applications-of-finite-math/ Hobart D. (2007, February 21) What Is the Real Use of Mathematics In Real Life? Retrieved March 26, 2013 from http://www. blurtit. com/q806258. html

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mental and Behavioral Health Services Essay

While the future of Mental and Behavioral Health Services continue to strive through many striving goals to develop continuous practices, treatments, evaluations, policies, and research, advancements are taking place to better the future of this program and its outreach to the people. Mental disorders are common in the United States and internationally. An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.1 When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translated to 57.7 million people.2 Even though mental disorders are common in the population, the main load of illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion — about 6 percent, or 1 in 17 — who are suffering from a serious mental illness.1 In addition, mental disorders are the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and Canada.3 Many people suffer from mo re than one mental disorder at a given time. Roughly, 45 percent of those with any mental disorder meet the criteria for being strongly related to having 2 or more disorders.1 Awareness of having a disorder is very uncommon in the U.S. DEFINED & FUTURE PROBLEMS Behavioral health is a state of mental/emotional being and/or choices and actions that affect wellness. Substance abuse and misuse are one set of behavioral health problems. Others include, but are not limited to, serious psychological distress, suicide, and mental illness (4. SAMHSA, 2011). Many of these problems are far-reaching and take a toll on individuals, their families and communities, and the broader society. Research allows us to get a better picture of what the future looks like and what people need to be continuing to do and improve on. By looking over research, statistics predict that by 2020, mental and substance use disorders will exceed all physical diseases as a major cause of disability worldwide. The annual total estimated societal cost of substance abuse in the United States is $510.8 billion, with an estimated 23.5 million Americans aged 12 and older needing treatment for substance use. Along with that, every year almost 5,000 people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking and more than 34,000 Americans die every year as a result of suicide, almost one every 15 minutes. Also, Half of all lifetime cases of mental and substance use disorders begin by age 14 and three-fourths by age 24—in 2008, an estimated 9.8 million adults in the U.S. had a serious mental illness. The health and wellness of individuals in America are jeopardized and the unnecessary costs to society flow across America’s communities, schools, businesses, prisons & jails, and healthcare delivery systems. Many programs and services are working together to minimize the impact of substance abuse and mental illnesses on America’s communities. Many practitioners have a very deep understanding approach to behavioral health and perceive prevention as part of an overall continuum of care. The Behavioral Health Continuum of Care Model helps us recognize that there are multiple opportunities for addressing behavioral health problems and disorders based on the Mental Health Intervention Spectrum, first introduced in a 1994 Institute of Medicine report, the model includes these components: ( It is important to keep in mind that interventions do not always fit neatly into one category or another) * Promotion: These strategies are designed to create environments and conditions that support behavioral health and the ability of individuals to withstand challenges. Promotion strategies also reinforce the entire continuum of behavioral health services. * Prevention: Delivered prior to the onset of a disorder, these interventions are intended to prevent or reduce the risk of developing a behavioral health problem, such as underage alcohol use, prescription drug misuse and abuse, and illicit drug use. * Treatment: These services are for people diagnosed with a substance use or other behavioral health disorder. * Maintenance: These services support individuals’ compliance with long-term treatment and aftercare. Two strategies for promoting the more important and most effective openings in having access to mental and behavioral health services include providing education to reach the public, and the prevention and early intervention matters intertwining with the Continuum model components of treatment and maintenance. 7 The New Freedom Commission Report and Surgeon General’s Report both emphasized the importance of changing public attitudes to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness. Advocates for the mentally ill identify stigma and discrimination as major impediments to treatment. Stigma prevents individuals from acknowledging these conditions and erodes public confidence that mental disorders are treatable. A plurality of Americans believe that mental illnesses are just like any other illness; however, 25 percent of survey respondents would not welcome into their neighborhoods facilities that treat or house people with mental illnesses, suggesting that some level of lingering stigma persists.8 Sixty-one percent of Americans think that people with schizophrenia are likely to be dangerous to others9 despite research suggesting that these individuals are rarely violent.10 With that being said, the media plays a large role in shaping how the youth think and behave from many of the messages kids receive from television, music, magazines, billboards, and the Internet use. However, the media can be used to encourage positive behaviors as well. Four evidence based communication and education prevention approaches are through public education, social marketing, media advocacy, and media literacy that can be used to â€Å"influence community norms, increase public awareness, and attract community support for a variety of prevention issues† (SAMHSA). Public education is usually the most common strategy and is an effective way to show support to the development and success of programs and increase awareness about new or existing laws, publicizing a community based program, and reinforce instruction taught in schools or community based organizations. Through social marketing, practitioners use advertising philosophies to change social norms and promote healthy behaviors. Social marketing campaigns do more than just provide information and tries to convince people to adopt a new behavior by showing them a benefit they will receive in return.11 Social marketing campaigns are being used in a variety of social services and public health settings. Media advocacy involves shaping the way social issues are discussed in the media to build support for changes in public policy. By working directly with local newspapers, television, and radio to change both the amount of coverage the media provide and the content of that coverage, media advocates hope to influence the way people talk and think about a social or public policy12. Media literacy is a newer communications strategy aimed at teaching young people critical-viewing skills. Media literacy programs teach kids how to analyze and understand the media messages they encounter so they can better understand what they’re really being asked to do and think. Inferences about a program effectiveness relies on three things: (1) measures of key constructs, such as risk and protective factors or processes, symptoms, disorders, or other outcomes, and program implementation, fidelity, or participation; (2) a study design that determines which participants are being examined, how and when they will be assessed, and what interventions they will receive; and (3) statistical analyses that model how those given an intervention differ on outcomes compared with those in a comparison condition 19 In the past, practitioners and researchers saw substance abuse prevention different from the prevention of other behavioral health problems. But evidence indicates that the populations are significantly affected by these overlapping problems as well as factors that contribute to these problems. Therefore, improvements in one area usually have direct impacts on the other. According to the Substance Abuse and National Health Services Administration, not all people or populations are at the same risk of developing behavioral health problems. Many young people have more than one behavioral disorder. These disorders can interact and contribute to the presence of other disorders. Besides extensive research documenting strong relations between multiple problems, it’s not always clear what leads to what. Mental and physical health is also connected. Good mental health often contributes to good physical health. In the same way, the presence of mental health disorders, including substance abuse and dependence, is often associated with physical health disorders as well (O’Connell, 2009). One major advancement that has been recently made is from The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, adding a new search feature to its National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) Web site. The feature allows users to identify NREPP interventions that have been evaluated in comparative effectiveness research studies. Both the Obama Administration and the U.S. Congress have championed additional investments in comparative effectiveness research to enhance public understanding about which healthcare interventions are most effective in different circumstances and with different patients. The new NREPP feature can provide added information for States and communities seeking to determine which mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment interventions may best address their needs. The Surgeon General’s notes that â€Å"effective interventions help people to understand that mental disorders are not character flaws but are legitimate illnesses that respond to specific treatments, just as other health conditions respond to medical interventions.† (7) The two major influences that are targeted upon are risk and protective factors. According to SAMHSAs levels of risk and interventions, some risk factors are causal; others act as â€Å"proxies†, or markers of an underlying problem. Some risk and protective factors, such as gender and ethnicity, are fixed, meaning they don’t change over time. Other risk and protective factors are considered variable: these can change over time. Variable risk factors include income level, peer group, and employment status. Many factors influence a person’s likeliness to develop a substance abuse or related behavioral health problem. Effective prevention focuses on reducing those risk factors, and str engthening those protective factors, that are most closely related to the problem being addressed. Taken into consideration that preventive interventions are most effective when they are appropriately matched to their target population’s level of risk, The Institute of Medicine defines three broad types of prevention interventions, universal, selective, and indicated. Universal preventive interventions take the broadest approach, targeting â€Å"the general public or a whole population that has not been identified on the basis of individual risk† (O’Connell, 2009). Universal prevention interventions might target schools, whole communities, or workplaces. Selective preventive interventions target â€Å"individuals or a population sub-group whose risk of developing mental disorders [or substance abuse disorders] is significantly higher than average†, prior to the diagnosis of a disorder (5. O’Connell, 2009). Selective interventions target biological, psychological, or social risk factors that are more prominent among high-risk groups than among the wider population. Indicated preventive interventions target â€Å"high-risk individuals who are identified as having minimal but detectable signs or symptoms foreshadowing mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder† prior to the diagnosis of a disorder (6. IOM, 2009). Interventions focus on the immediate risk and protective factors present in the environments surrounding individuals. A more harsher or serious way of approaching prevention is through policy adoption and enforcement. Policy can be broadly defined as â€Å"standards for behavior that are formalized to some degree (that is, written) and embodied in rules, regulations, and procedures.†13 In order to work, these standards must reflect the accepted norms and intentions of a particular community. There are six major types of policy SAMHSA uses to prevent alcohol and other drug use through economic policies, restrictions on access and availability, restrictions on location and density, deterrence, restricting use, and limiting the marketing of alcohol products. Policy can be an effective prevention strategy—as long as the laws and regulations you put in place are consistent with community norms and beliefs about the â€Å"rightness† or â€Å"wrongness† of the behavior you want to legislate14. â€Å"The key to effective enforcement is visibility: People need to see that substance use prevention is a community priority and that violations of related laws and regulations will not be tolerated.† 6 Strategies that we use today for Enforcement are through surveillance, community policing, having incentives, and penalties, fines, and detentions. There have been many areas of progress in preventive intervention research since the 1994 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report Reducing Risks for Mental Disorders: Frontiers for Preventive Intervention Research. Experimental research has greatly improved mainly due to the advances in the methodological approaches applied to intervention research. For a range of outcomes, while the different types of intervention research has increased, so has the number of studies providing economic analyses in the costs and benefits of these interventions. As the 2001 U.S. Surgeon General’s report on children’s mental health indicated, there is a current need for improved and expanded mental health services for children and adolescents (15). There is a greater need for greater access to a variety of mental health services for children including both medication for emotional or behavioral difficulties and treatments other than medication. Recent research studies have documented the increased use of psychotropic medications (16). Less is known, though, about the use of nonmedication treatments for the emotional and behavioral difficulties of U.S. children. These treatments may include community-based services such as behavioral and family therapy provided by mental health professionals in clinic and office settings and school-based services such as assessments of mental health problems, individual counseling, and crisis intervention services for students (17,18). With the information collected by the mental health service questions in the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), it will be possible to monitor future trends in the use of both medication and other treatments for the emotional and behavioral difficulties of children. Recommended changes by the Surgeon General include: †¢ improve geographic access; †¢ integrate mental health and primary care; †¢ ensure language access; †¢ coordinate and integrate mental health services for high-need populations. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001) 1. Kessler RC, Chiu WT, Demler O, Walters EE. Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of twelve-month DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R). Archives of General Psychiatry, 2005 Jun;62(6):617-27. 2. U.S. Census Bureau Population Estimates by Demographic Characteristics. Table 2: Annual Estimates of the Population by Selected Age Groups and Sex for the United States: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004 (NC-EST2004-02) Source: Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau Release Date: June 9, 2005. 3. The World Health Organization. The global burden of disease: 2004 update, Table A2: Burden of disease in DALYs by cause, sex and income group in WHO regions, estimates for 2004. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2008. 4. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2011). Leading change: A plan for SAMHSA’s roles and actions 2011-2014. Rockville, MD: SAMHSA. 5. O’Connell, M. E., Boat, T., & Warner, K. E. (Eds.). (2009). Preventing mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders among young people: Progress and possibilities. National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. 6. Compton, M. T. (2009). Clinical Manual of Prevention in Mental Health (1st ed.). American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. 7.. U.S. DHHS. 1999. Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. 8. Pescosolido, B. et al. 2000.Americans’ Views of Mental Health and Illness at the Century’s End: Continuity and Change. Public Report on the MacArthur Mental Health Module, 1996 General Social Survey. Bloomington, Indiana. 9. Steadman, H.J. et al. 1998.Violence by People Discharged from Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Facilities and by Others in the Same Neighborhoods. Archives of General Psychiatry 55 (5): 393–401. 10. Borinstein,A.B. 1992. Public Attitudes Toward Persons with Mental Illness. Health Affairs 11 (3): 186–96. 11. Kotler, P. and Roberto, E. (1989). Social marketing: Strategies for changing pubic behavior. New York: Free Press. 12. Wallack, L., Dorfman, L., Jernigan, D., and Themba, M. (1993). Media advocacy and public health: Power for prevention. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. 13. Bruner, C. and Chavez, M. (1996). Getting to the grassroots: Neighborhood organizing and mobilization. Des Moines, IA: NCSI Clearinghouse. CSAP Community Partnerships (unpublished document). 14. Bruner, C. (1991). Thinking collaboratively: Ten questions and answers to help policy makers improve children’s services. Washington, DC: Education and Human Services Consortium 15. U.S. Public Health Service. Report of the Surgeon General’s Conference on Children’s Mental Health: A National Action Agenda. Washington, DC: Department of Health and Human Services. 2000. 16. Martin A, Leslie D. Trends in psychotropic medication costs for children and adolescents, 1997–2000. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 157:997–1004. 2003. 17. Steele RG, Roberts MC (Eds.). Handbook of mental health services for children, adolescents, and families. New York: Springer, 2005. 18. Foster S, Rollefson M, Doksum T, Noonan D, Robinson G, Teich J. School Mental Health Services in the United States, 2002–2003. DHHS Pub. No. (SMA) 05–4068. Rockville, MD: Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 2005 19. Committee on the Prevention of Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse Among Children, Youth and Young Adults: Research Advances and Promising Interventions, Institute of Medicine, National Research Council. â€Å"10 Advances in Prevention Methodology.† Preventing Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Among Young People: Progress and Possibilities. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2009.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Eastern Europe and Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Eastern Europe and Russia - Essay Example As reviewed by Butler (2007), the highlight of European civilization had been mostly focused on one group, the Byzantine Empire, which had thrived despite the incursions on fifth century C.E. The race had adopted the Greek culture and its philosophy. Nonetheless, like other great civilizations, the empire, too, had experienced its ultimate end in 1453 (â€Å"The Byzantine Empire,† n.d.). Despite its massive fall in 40th century, their existence still holds substantial contributions to Eastern Europe and Russia up to now. It paved way to the emergence of eastern Cyrillic alphabet, as well as the Orthodox Christianity in Russia (Peterson, 1995). As further explained by Butler (2007), â€Å"Eastern Europe, especially Russia, was heavily influenced by Byzantine architecture.† Such masterpiece can be witness in the â€Å"onion dome† of most Russian Churches. In similar area, the art of this empire had influenced the styles in Europe in terms of â€Å"designs that dep ict God, icons, religious images†¦mosaic, pictures and colored bits of stained scenes or tile cemented in place—brought scenes from the Bible to life.† By claiming part of the Greek’s heritage, the Byzantine Empire had contributed in Literature, as well—preserving important scholarly writings. Its thoughtful conservation had aided much in the development of the European culture—the Renaissance (â€Å"The Byzantine Empire,† n.d.). The eastern part of the continent had experienced fateful changes, from various barbaric invasions to prolonged Communist stand. Most Eastern European countries took a sharp turn, as communism was terminated in 1989-1991 (Fukuyama, Lewis, Orenstein, Kapstein, & Converse, 2008). The struggle in transition phase had been difficult for most East European countries. Modifications in economy had a negative effect on the people in Eastern Europe. â€Å"The number of jobs had declined†¦in some sectors, the number of workers in Czech had been cut in half†

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Romantic Period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Romantic Period - Essay Example Beethoven, probably the most famous composer in all of history, is more difficult to place. His first compositions are unmistakably Classical in style. However, his later works, which includes the majority of his most celebrated compositions, is just as unmistakably Romantic. Music from the Romantic Era is characterized by more heavier, graver textures with intrepid dramatic distinctions. Very extremely emotional, this style of music gave more liberty in arrangement and design for the composers to work on. It expressed a more penetrating personal manifestation of emotion in which imagination, creativity and a pursuit for adventure play a significant role. Romantic music is not as dependent on repetition as it was did in the Classical period. The music frequently directly told a story. In the Romantic era, music developed philosophical or poetic implication. Antiquity, folktale, history and striking cultures were observed as likely sources of vision and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Relationship Between Employee Commitment And Employee Engagement Assignment

Relationship Between Employee Commitment And Employee Engagement - Assignment Example Employees, who are committed to their organizations and highly engaged in their job, provide effective competitive advantages to the organizations in terms of higher output. Uncommitted employees do not bother about workplace performance and outputs. The committed employees tend to provide their total effort to fulfill their personal career goals and job responsibility. Engagement of an employee cannot possible without effective commitment towards the organization and seer hard work. Leaders or the managers of an organization play a vital role in employee engagement. It is important for a manager to provide value to the needs or satisfaction level of an employee in order to retrain employee commitment and employee engagement. Only a motivated employee can perform effectively in an organization. Progression of career is also an important and key employee retention tool. The employees will be happy to be engaged with their job and organization if they are provided effective career deve lopment opportunities, good work culture, and productive work environment. The effective organizational communication process is also an important employee retention tool. It will help an organization to achieve success. Committed employees are more engaged to their job and organization comparing to the uncommitted employees. Employee engagement, employer practices, work performance and business results are highly related to each other. It is the responsibility of the employers to motivate their employees to perform efficiently.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Health care-long term and capstone discussions 2 Essay

Health care-long term and capstone discussions 2 - Essay Example According to Kotter & Heskett (1992), culture change advocates find solutions that regulate everyone’s interactions and behavior. People come up with new ways of responding to others and create a different perception in which they view them. There are various services that the community provides to its people. Community based services are a long term care type which somebody may draw interest and talk about. They are services to help the disabled and senior people in a community. They include; personal care, adult day care, and transportation services among others. Some set of barriers to cultural change success in offering these services are experienced. Communication barrier is one aspect. These are skills involved in conversation. For example, most Hispanic and the Native American patients are often used to indirect communication instead of instruction or direct communication. Offering services to such patients in direct communication thus becomes a problem. A s econd set of barrier is in the care system. These are issues of accessibility, availability and acceptability of services. These services may not be available to the minority group and less accessible due to linguistic, geographic or financial features. Discuss the legal liability in terms of governance in long-term care settings. What agencies have oversight authority? Provide one real life example of a long-term care liability issue that could conflict with a governance function. The requirement by federal law is that facilities for long term care should provide activities and services that maintain the well being of every resident. The federal program in Medicare should be established to achieve such with some written plan that describes how nursing, medical and psychosocial needs shall be met. These are therefore federal regulation which is in the real sense legal. False claims however occur when agencies are set in place to practice

What dominates the relationship between the Mideast and the Western Essay

What dominates the relationship between the Mideast and the Western powers - Essay Example the worlds that are endowed with a lot of natural resources wealth, especially the oil deposits, which then make it one of the strategic sources of petroleum globally. In this respect, the resource question dominates the relationship between the Mideast and the Western powers, since despite the fact that the two ends of the world have major differences regarding the political, social and economic orientations, the Western powers must keep cooperating with the Middle East as a major source of raw material for their economy (Bew, n.p.). Thus, despite the fact that there is a high degree of violation of the human rights and other democratic principles that are held in high esteem by the Western powers, they still find it necessary to keep a cordial relationship with the Middle East, for the sake of continued benefit from the oil resource. It is even difficult to imagine what would happen should the Middle East severe its relationship with the West, since there would be a dire shortage o f the oil resource to the West, which is a major driving force for the Western powers’ economies. Market is yet another major factor that dominates the relationship between the Mideast and the Western powers. The Middle East offers a huge market for the Western Powers products on top of producing essential raw materials for those economies, such that trade with the Middle East is a fundamental determinant of the Western Powers dominance in global economy (Hourani, 45). During the World War II, the USA stationed its troops in Iran so that the troops would protect the Iranian oil deposits from being exploited for the advantage of the USSR (Fawcett, 102). Since then, the interest in the Middle East oil resource has informed the relationship between the western powers and the Middle East. In this respect, the Western powers have formulated their foreign policies such that they still reflect a cordial relationship with the Middle East, even when the middle East countries are advancing

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The external environment of Manchester United Essay - 1

The external environment of Manchester United - Essay Example Brand image can easily be considered as the greatest strength of Manchester United football club. Its brand image is globally recognized. Millions of fans and followers of the football club are present all over the world. Any type of merchandise available in the market having the logo or the name of Manchester United is easily identified by any of its fans all around the world. However the club needs to live up to the expectations of their fans in order to sustain their brand image. Sir Alex Ferguson, the manager of Manchester United for past many years, is one of the powerful and biggest assets for the football club. Manchester United was managed most effectively and efficiently by Sir Alex Ferguson for more than 25 years now and still continuing to do so (Manchester United Ltd., 2012a). He can be regarded as the most successful manager ever in the history of club football in UK. This type of consistency in performance maintained by the club helps in the decision making process rega rding prospective investments made by the company. Sales ticket is also considered to be one of the greatest strength of the club because of the huge fan base it possesses. There is a huge demand for the match tickets and the revenues generated from ticket sales are expected to increase significantly in the upcoming years. However ticket sales are not the only income source for the club. It has its products in offer too which contributes towards a significant portion of the revenues generated by Manchester United. Huge number of retail stores is run by MU and its distribution channel is also quite strong. The variety of products offered by MU can be considered as one of its major weaknesses. It is true that MU has a wide variety of products in offer for their fans, starting from the merchandise products to credit cards. However an area of concern is whether fans were involved in this type of decisions or not?

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Christianity vs Islam in the Middle Ages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Christianity vs Islam in the Middle Ages - Essay Example However, it was, modern historians agree, a dynamic string of centuries when from the ruins of the Roman Empire new powers emerged, namely Islam-ruled states of al-Andalus in Spain in the West, the Ottoman Empire in the East and between them the new power houses of Christendom, where crusades originated. It was not simply a battle of religions, but a clash of civilizations to dominate the known world (excluding China and India). In this battle modern Europe was born, both in terms of aggressive â€Å"crusader† attitude and missionary approach of assimilating other cultures. Moreover, even such a modern term like â€Å"cold war† first appeared in Spain in the XIII century to mark the difficulties two cultures trying to coexist are facing2. The Islam and the Christianity, in an odd manner, managed to simultaneously co-exist and to battle almost uninterruptedly on the European scene for more than eight centuries. These two civilizations were â€Å"caught up in a situation where old cultural and social patterns had been broken and new ones were forming†3. Between 636, when the Battle of Yarmouk took place, and 1453, when Constantinople fell, the head city of an already beheaded Byzantine Empire, Europe’s history was dominated by constant rivalry between Islam and Christendom, whose â€Å"attitudes to Islam had been compounded of ignorance, misperception, hostility and fear†4. On the other hand, in the process of fighting for domination Islam and Christianity inevitably borrowed from each other, while constantly desecrating the world of â€Å"the other†. The largest cathedral of the Byzantine Empire, â€Å"St. Sophia†, was transformed to a mosque by the Turks, while many mosques in Spain were changed to churches during and after the Reconquista. Historians agree that this struggle began in 636 when the armies of Byzantium faced those of the Rashidun Caliphate in the Battle of Yarmouk and were defeated. This massive

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Competitive Advantage through people Research Paper

Competitive Advantage through people - Research Paper Example 21). However, the company does not only boast a highly competitive pricing strategy, but also a premium people management approach that provided the company enduring success. Southwest’s most powerful organizational competency—the ‘secret ingredient’ that makes it so distinctive—is its ability to build and sustained high performance relationships among managers, employees, unions, and suppliers. These relationships are characterized by shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect (Gittell, 2005, 52). To operate, airlines require physical resources, such as airplanes, airstrip, pilots, cabin crew, etc. These physical resources can be accessed by numerous companies in the marketplace; hence it is hard to develop them as a sustainable competitive advantage. Even availability of unprocessed or capital resources, before a great entry barrier, is more attainable due to the growth of international markets (Lovelock & Wright, 2002). However, it is the intangible assets that sustainable competitive advantage rests. Accrued experience or knowledge throughout the years, or referred to as corporate culture, is very hard to imitate (Parker, 2007). Companies like Apple, Coca-Cola, and General Electric rise from a venture of time and effort. These are springs of competitive advantage. The task is to determine the factors that strengthen this competitive advantage and the way toward sustainability (Parker, 2007). In fact, it is not the resources, regardless of how inimitable or intangible they are, that best generate competitive advantage; the solution toward sustainable competitive advantage is the way these resources are used (Gittell, 2005). Simply, the failure or success of a company relies on how the people within it utilize these resources. Basically, the competitive advantage of a company is its people. The quality of management, the manner in which

Monday, July 22, 2019

Social Isolation and the Female, Live in Domestic Worker in South Africa Essay Example for Free

Social Isolation and the Female, Live in Domestic Worker in South Africa Essay In a world which tends to discriminate against race, gender and class, many black, female, lower class women face an uphill battle in day to day life. Those who manage to find employment often work as domestic workers in the homes of the more elite. These women often serve many roles within a household such as nanny, cook and cleaner. Many of these women become live in maids for the convenience of their employers. This study takes a qualitative approach in examining why these women are prepared to leave their families and face such social isolation. Using one women’s story of life as a live in domestic worker this study delves into the reality of day to day life in post apartheid South Africa. This allows one a unique opportunity into a personal perspective of those previously disadvantaged and even though the sample is not big enough to generalize with the study is relevant in that it provides a framework and the motivation to pursue further studies in this area. One must also take into account that even though one person’s experiences may be narrow, their perspectives may reflect those of a greater population and therefore must always be considered relevant in some way. Literature Review Many female South African domestic workers live in the houses of their employers. This may be isolating and lonely for some. This qualitative study seeks to observe the effect this has on ladies who are particularly far from their families. Many domestic workers in South Africa are migrants from upper Africa who are already culturally isolated, by becoming live in they may experience social and class isolation. This interview tells the story of a female live in domestic worker who, although South African, has followed her job more than ten hours away from her family and support network. The key issue here is social isolation. For one to be socially isolated one is living without companionship, social support and connectedness. One has no one to turn to for day to crisis and it is not surprising that the stress of such a situation is associated with poorer health. It is also associated with things like poor life meaning, levels of satisfaction and well being. The socially isolated even have a higher consumption of health care resources and unfortunately fare badly in acute interventions such as cardiovascular surgery. The socially isolated are far more highly linked to mental illness, distress, dementia, suicide and premature death (Hawthorne, 2006). Social isolation is therefore a grave matter and with findings like this the western ritual of paying domestic workers to live in and possibly in turn become socially isolated should seek ethical approval. Social Isolation In Graeme Hawthorne’s study he points out that social isolation is most connected to personal relationships, or rather lack thereof. He points out that within this things like neighbourhood friendliness, social initiation, geographic location and ethnicity play a large role in determining isolation. Ethnicity plays a large role in the social isolation of a domestic worker because although interacting with others they are not around those of their own ethnicity. Hawthorne’s study investigates the validity of a psychometric scale to measure social isolation and therefore defines the concept well, giving one a well rounded perception of this sort of isolation. His study found that the ‘friendship scale’ was a reliable tool when measuring social isolation and would therefore prove to be an interesting second measure when looking at social isolation of female domestic workers in South Africa (Hawthorne, 2006). To follow up this quantitative research with a reliable psychometric scale may yield fuller results. This together with a larger sample of domestic workers would make this study far more reliable and conclusive. In interviewing one participant many gaps are left, for instance this case shows a very positive employer-employee relationship however this cannot simply be generalized to the rest of the South African population and therefore cannot be used for much in the line of determining where change is needed. Race, gender, class post apartheid changes. Race, gender and class come up in any study such as this, especially when the country has a history a rife of that of South Africa. Although these discriminatory themes are still a serious issue in South Africa, past studies do show that things may have improved vastly since even the late apartheid era. A study by Hickson and Strous (1993) depicts a far worse picture than the results of this interview, with complete lack of care for the humanity of the worker, poor live in living conditions and low, often non-monetory salaries (Hickson Strous, 1993). This study shows a problem which has to a large extent lessened with many domestic workers well supported by the families for which they work. Shireen Ally goes as far as to say that post apartheid South Africa has launched one of the most extensive efforts to protect domestic workers. These efforts have surely paid off in many ways as pay in itself has improved on a great scale. Just the fact that domestic workers are politically recognized and are able to form unions was a big step out of the apartheid days (Ally, 2008). A later study by Jennifer Fish shows that although social change on a public level has dramatically revolutionised, the micro scale of everyday interactions still has a long way to go. Therefore although things have changed in certain areas many domestic workers are still being subjected to very discriminatory treatment as a result of their race, class or gender (Fish, 2006). Due to these present and past discriminations there remains an air of elitism among employers. This air may serve as a barrier to connectedness between employer and employee. This lack of connectedness to those around the live in employee leads to social isolation with grave consequences. The live in dometic worker A study by Hondagneu-Sotelo shows some benefits of domestic workers who do not live in. It provides an interesting alternate perspective. This study followed immigrant Mexican women in California. These women are isolated from their culture, country and often family. However the fact that they are not live in provides them with networking opportunities. They mostly work numorous jobs a week and in doing so interact with many other women who, although not always even similar in ethnicity, provide a support structure for each other. This structure helps the women to learn skills like negotiating fair pay and more importantly provides them with connectedness and social interaction (Hondagneu-Sotelo, 1994). This study when compared to studies on live in domestic workers may yield a more healthy and ethical alternative and therefore is very relevant to this topic. Method This studied used a qualitative approach to research. Such an approach allows for great depth of research rather than great breadth. Qualitative research allows for more understanding into why people behave in certain ways or how they think rather than focussing simply on what they do or believe (Ambert, Adler, Adler Detzner, 1995). This makes it suitable for research on the attitudes and perspectives of the less heard groups of people, like domestic workers. It allows for true feelings and attitudes to be revealed and therefore gives far greater insight into the life and trials of a domestic worker. The method used to obtain information was that of a semi structured interview. This is an interview guided by questions but not strictly so. It is a highly beneficial means in many ways. It obtains macu relevant information, the audience is specifically targeted, it is structured to allow comparisons, can be used on sensitive topics, and allows for new areas of interest to emerge as one is able to diverge from the topic if necessary. The disadvantages however are that interviewing skills are required and that it is a time consuming and resource intensive process. There is also always a risk of interviewer bias as the interviewer is a just a human being interacting with another human being (Cozby, 2005). The participant in this study was a 53 year old black lady from originally Vryburg. She is the domestic worker of my father’s girlfriend and therefore has had much contact with me prior to the interview. Although she was a very willing participant this may have affected the way in which she answered questions. She was promised complete confidentiality which should have helped her to feel comfortable to say what she wants, however there is still the possibility she may have held back especially in regard to her feelings about her employer, you may notice she only said positive things about this which leaves room for the unsaid negative. However she seemed comfortable and relaxed throughout the interview. Being from a higher class to that of the participant may have limited the interview somewhat. The interviewee may have felt I cannot relate to her and therefore shared less of her experiences. Perhaps in further research of this kind it would be beneficial to train ex-domestic workers to conduct interviews. By doing so the participant would stand on common ground with the interviewer. Although the participants English was extremely good it is not her first language and perhaps if I were able to conduct the interview in her first language it ould have been more welcoming and she might have expressed herself far better. Results The interview shed light on five major themes. These themes may not all be entirely relevant to the question posed, however that’s the beauty of qualitative research, one often finds far more than one was looking for and this opens up new areas to be researched. Gender, class race effects It became apparent that the participant views of herself and capabilities were constructed closely around what would be expected of a black, lower class women. She aspired to nursing and then as a second resort chose domestic work. Passive acceptance Throughout the interview the participant never once shows a strong desire to change her situation even though she does not seem entirely satisfied with it. She accepts the situation and does not seem to see a way out of it. Isolation The participant admits to wanting to be around her family. She very rarely socializes with someone she calls a friend and this lack of companionship must be very lonely. Self sacrifice The participant seems to feel that even though she is not satisfied the fact that she is able to support her family is enough for her. This may link up to the theme of gender in that as a women she may feel her happiness is less important than serving her husband and family. Money Money is a large theme that appeared in this study. The participant mentions it numerous times and it seems highly relevant in her job satisfaction. Being able to support her family financially appears more important than being there with them. This theme also fits in with that of self sacrifice. Discussion Some of these themes that arose relate closely to the literature reviewed. Race, class and gender tie in closely with the literature on domestic work during apartheid and the after effects thereof. Having constructed her hopes around what a person of her position should expect to hope for she has left no room for disappointment and is possibly protecting herself. This is perhaps a coping method. The participant seems to identify the positive in most situation, thereby holding onto the all the dignity and satisfaction possible. This study however broke away from any literature which depicted the new South Africa as still lacking change on a micro level. The participant seems well looked after by her employee and seems to like this aspect of her career, ‘ miss X has helped my family alot over the years’. Social isolation becomes clear throughout the interview. As Hawthorne says social isolation occurs as a result of a lack of personal relationships, and this is very apparent in the life of the participant (Hawthorne, 2006). She seems to long for her family, ‘if I could live with my family that would be better ’. This could be having serious effects on her health as she ages. Although the participant seems to think being a live in domestic is beneficial in her case, Hondagneu-Sotelo argues that the social networks developed amongst part time workers are highly beneficial and supportive to women who are otherwise isolated. Money and benefits seem to stand out almost the most in this study. In asking questions unrelated to money the participant answers saying that the pay is good, showing the great emphasis she puts on it. This theme is the most probable answer to the research question posed. The participant’s main reason for being willing to isolate herself from her family, culture and class is money. She wants nothing more than to support her family and make sure her children are educated. The fact that her employer is generous and she has been able to do this leaves her at terms with her social isolation. Further research into her stress and isolation levels at a quantitative or psychometric level my yield clearer results, this study however demonstrates that there is a ground for such research and that it may be beneficial. Physical health tests of live in as opposed to live out domestic workers may also lead to interesting literature on this matter. Conclusion This study has therefore provided an in depth account of a problem which possibly demands more consideration, showing that some women are prepared to sacrifice almost their whole life in order to support their loved ones inancially. Although the situation shown here is somewhat undesirable this study has also depicted many positive changes of the post 1994 South Africa with the participant saying she is looked after well by her employee. This study therefore not only met its aim of finding out why women are prepared to live in, but also uncovered other interesting research areas. Hopefully in the future these other topics will be covered more extensively.

The strength of an electromagnet Essay Example for Free

The strength of an electromagnet Essay I found out that the best variables to use were 10-35 volts this means that the electromagnet doesnt get too hot and 10 volts does pick up a few nails. I also found out that changes the number of coils on the electromagnet wasnt a good idea as its very difficult to get an accurate reading, so I decided to change the voltage, but as I changed the voltage the current changed on the ammeter, so I decided to have both the current and the voltage change, so I could multiply the answers together to get the power rating in watts. Changes to Plan. I decided to change my original plan as I wanted to investigate another way of strengthening an electromagnet. I will do this by keeping the power the same and changing the number of coils that surround the soft iron core. To keep the power the same I will set up the exactly the same equipment as before and then set the current and voltage to constant amps and volts. Current being 4. 85amps and the voltage being 23 volts, this means the power will be 111. 55 watts. I will start the number of coils at 5 and go up to 30 with intervals of 5 and I will repeat these intervals 3 times each and then take an average at the end. Prediction I predict that the more coils of wire that are around the soft iron core then more nails will be picked up by the electromagnet this is because, the more coils of wire used in around the soft iron core, the stronger the magnet is. If there is one coil, and another is added, then the two coils have twice the strength of one. Precision and skill In my table I found that there were a few anomalous results, so I first drew a graph that represented the results including the anomalous ones and then a graph without them. To make the average of my results accurate I repeated them 3 times and then found the average. The anomalous results are highlighted in the table. Conclusion supporting prediction In my prediction I stated that when the number of coils around the soft iron core were increased the more nails the electromagnet will pick up, this means that my prediction was right as my graph shows. Detailed scientific knowledge From my graph it also shows that the reason from my prediction was right that when the passage of an electric current along a wire creates a magnetic field around the wire. The fields are in the shape of a series of concentric rings. We can make use of this magnetic field by wrapping a wire carrying a current around a soft iron core. Soft iron is used because it is easily magnetised and demagnetised, so when the power is switched on the magnetic lines of force flow into the iron it becomes a magnet. The more coils of wire used in around the soft iron core, the stronger the magnet is. If there is one coil, and another is added, then the two coils have twice the strength of one. Evaluation Quality of evidence and anomalies I think I had good quality evidence as I had a good range of results and I repeated them 3 times each. Although I did get a couple of anomalous results as shown from the graph, I highlighted these on the table and then ignored them and drew another graph showing a more accurate investigation. Things that could have contributed to these anomalies are; the voltage may have differed throughout the investigation which means that the power would not have been the same, the coils around the soft iron core also may have moved slightly throughout the investigation, similarly the crocodile clips could have been moved when the soft iron core was picked up and then replaced from the plastic beaker. Also the weighting machine might not be completely accurate plus several times I had to use a different weighting machine so I might have got wrong readings. Another reason that I could have collected anomalies in my results might be because I could not be sure whether I had left the soft iron core in the plastic beaker the same amount of time for each different amount of coils and for each repeat. Suitability of procedure. I think some parts of my procedure was suitable for the time I had to collect my results and to make sure that everything was a fair test and each time I recorded a results I made sure as accurately as I could that it was done in the exactly the same as the one before it. Changes to improve If I was to do this investigation again I would change some of the things I did so I wouldnt get as many anomalies, although I still think I can support my conclusion from my graph because it is scientifically correct but the things I would change would be: I would use the same weighting machine for each test and make sure that it is on an even surface. I would also time the time that I would leave the soft iron core in the plastic beaker of nails, so this would hopefully insure that the investigation would be more of a fair test. Further work If I was to extend this piece of coursework I could of carry put the investigation that I was originally going to do, this might help to find out if there are other ways of increase the magnetism of an electromagnet and find out if the results were the same.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Project management is a structured approach to planning and controlling projects

Project management is a structured approach to planning and controlling projects Introduction Wood Ltd is a company organizes special events. The event the company organizes includes: car manufactures, large retailing chains, sport goods manufactures and a national chain of healthy clubs besides the company provides service city location. Now the company has one manager, three assistant managers, eights event managers, two administration staff, and a numbers of special event employees. The contract organizes a pop concert and the project is flexibility I give a assumption: The project organizes January 26th, 20011 and budget: $100,000. The project was agreed stakeholder and has a legal procedure The weather has not weather, snow-storm and terrorization I am a consultant to manage. I need to give advice and ways solve the problems. Project management is a methodical approach to planning and guiding project processes from start to finish ( searchcio-midmarket.techtarget,accessed 2010).Project life cycle is methods that help management can evaluate time to complete projecting, cost. Burke defines the project life cycle a four phase life that passes through four phase headings: concept and initiation phase, design and development phase, implementation or construction phase, and commission and handover phase The first concept or initiation phase needs define project objectives, problem statement, project scope, evaluate the feasibility with purpose achieve goals and objective of concert Problem statement: Woods Ltd organizes special events. This is the first time the company organizes the concert so the company needs to successfully manage this project. Besides, we need complete all everything on time and fit budget Project objective: the manager needs to determine specific about objective. Based on objective the company determine resources such as time, cost that purpose to achieve objective. The company gives objective: The first, organize concert 20pm 26 January 201, budget: $100,000. A and the place is Bolling Art centre. The second, successfully manage concert. Project scope: The project scope is the definition of what the project is supposed to accomplish and the budget (of time and money) that has been created to achieve these objectives (management.about, accessed 2011).The project scope includes: The event limits on time and cost. The event needs to organize January 26 in 2011 with budget: $100, 000 Attack 1000 customers Control risk Calculate cost Evaluate the feasibility. When considered about feasibility in the project, we consider project objectives, project scope, problem statement, we need to ensure that stakeholders accept project. Stakeholders are any persons (or groups) who have an interest in the project, are affected by it or who can influence its outcome. (Field and Keller p. 246). Stakeholder includes customers, project team, senior management, supplier, sub-contractor, regulatory authorizes lobby groups and individual citizens. Role stakeholder influence the project such as champion: The chief promoters of the project that influence motivate employee and quality work. Sponsor the person who ensures that the project is successful at the company level (Field and Keller). Stakeholder influences successful the project. Customer and client influence successful in the project such as: imagine, quality project. As the project management it is the most important that I understand role stakeholder who can against this project the proposed stage and provide budget in the project. Besides we give assumptions so the project are feasibility The second, design or development phase: Design the service or product, develops in the schedule and plans for implementing the project (University of Sunderland Manual pg 21). The stage includes work breakdown structure, project scheduling, resource planning, project costing and financing, project team, project leadership, project risk management. Milestone: In project management, a milestone is a synchronization point. Major milestones mark the transition of a project from one phase to another (whatis.techtarget, accessed 2010). In the project milestone include: prepare plan, attacks 1000 customers, control risk and suitable budget Work breakdown structure. A work breakdown structure (WBS) in project management and systems engineering, is a tool used to define and group a projects discrete work packages in a way that helps organize and define the total work scope of the project.(,accessed 2010) WBS helps the manager be able to easy plan, monitoring, schedule and calculate cost each activity. Resource scheduling: With objective organize the pop concert successful. Organize January 26in2011 with budget: $100,000. The company wants to achieve objective. We need to achieve: Attack 1000 customers, control risk, and calculate cost. Grant chart helps to see activities and duration needs to complete activities such as attack 1000 customers: marketing mix and advertising. Marketing mix includes people, promotion, product, and place. Advertising includes method website, in the internet, newspapers, and other methods. Besides grant chart shows relationship activity and time.  Ã‚   Grant chart is tools C:Documents and SettingsdungDesktopUn1222121212.png Resource planning Resource planning helps the concert that established resources necessary which achieve objective. Such as types of labor is necessary the concert such as: one manager, three assistance manager, eight events manager, two administration staff besides the company will rent technical employee. Equipments need concert: light, sound recording system, computer so on, technology Finance Resource planning has two resources: external and internal. Internal resource includes human, finance, equipment so on which cheaper and easily control and monitor. External resource includes resource outside such as supplier, technological. Use of external is usely costly and difficult to control Project budget The overall project budget is the sum of all the bottom-up costs associated with project activities plus any project level expenses for team acquisitions, overheads or other indirect costs allocated to the project (Project Management Tool Kit by Tom Kendrick). For Woods Ltd this cost of activities was calculated bottom -up approach and provisions sums each work packages events. Besides cost will allocate in the event that has risk and derived expenses (Detail in appendix A ) Project team Woods company needs to successful concert besides the elements such as: design stage, knowledge marketing so on. The company applies technology and many skills with purpose objective therefore skills team work and project team are the most important. Group and team is major feature of organization lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ An understanding of the nature of groups is vital if the manager is to influence the behavior of people in the work situation. The management is aware of the impact of groups and teams, and their effects on organizational performance (Mullins, 2005, p517). Besides this is the first time the company set up concert so the member lack of skills and experience. The leader needs to select member. I think the team should consider the following the element: team size, overall team composition, team member selection, team member recruitment process. Team size is a team 5-12 member. A team of 5-7members is the best (, assessed 2009). The company can divide B team. A team response marketing and prepare plan (two assistant manager and five even manager) and team B response control and budget (one assistant manager and five event manager) Then we select structure teams. According to Field and Keller (1998) have four common types project team the functional team, project(singer) team, Matrix team and contract team. We can see advantage and disadvantage each type of project team. Field and Keller (1998) Woods company organizes specially events. This is the first time the company set up the concert so the company lacks of experience skills. On the other hand, member team created from various parts of the company. The team will be created when the company have event, especially objective. The team will exist for the duration of the project. Matrix team permit efficient exchange information such as assistant come from marketing, finance, human resource and eight event manager which created various part of company. People from different department, they will share information and knowledge that achieve objective. Matrix structure is the most flexible matrix team can use efficient resource therefore matrix team is the most suitable .Besides the company needs to build team According to TucKman identified four stages in group development: forming, norming, storming, performing Tuckman (1965) Forming is the first stage building team that is the most important because a member will cautiously test boundaries, try to find out about the aim and norm of the group( University of Sunderland Manual p.96). In the stage, the manager needs to give clear objects share information, and discuss an objective a concert Storming: in the stage members give different ideas so have a conflict between members of the team Norming: after stage storming, the member accepted ideas and discuss new ideas so conflict reduce between members. In the stage, the manager should allocate power members, task. Performing: in the stage role of the member establish in the team, and they know the objective that will try to achieve objective. The manager needs to control and motivate the member in the team. Project leadership The company organize an event the work needs creative so role leadership is the most important that influence time, cost in the project. There are three styles of leadership autocratic, democratic, laissez-FireWire style (Mullins, p 291).   The first,  the autocratic style  is where the focus of power of a manager.  Role of leadership is the most important because all decisions by leader and control tasks. The second, the democratic style is where the focus of power is more with the group as a whole and there is the greater  interaction within the group (Mullins p291). When the leadership gave decisions, all members in the group can give ideas, and the leader considers ideas, and discussion. Lastly, laissez -faire (genuine) style is where the manager observes that member of the group working well on their own (Mullins p291).   The leadership gives the problems to the group and discusses the problems. Based on the characteristic type of leadership and the problems of the c ompany the company organizes the concert so the company needs leadership  Ã‚  Ã‚   to motive members in the group achieves the objective. On the other hand, the company needs to apply technology and methods advertising besides the employee lack of experience and skills.On other hands, the leadership use theory motivates employment: Maslowshierarchy of need that motivation employee achieves objective (detail appendix B ) Implementation phase Project control: during execution of the project control and monitoring that is  necessary  tools that help the manager control schedule, progress exporting. The function of monitoring provides to update information project such as: progress report, most the problems during executing the plan with stakeholders and give a ways control and monitoring project.   Control the schedule is the most important which influences  the time complete the project. Grant chart is tooling that  help  the manager can know  time of activities, control and monitoring of the project. In the grant chart, duration needs to complete execution of rent theatre and contract with singers and  supplies are  two days. Time complete design stage is two days and correct the problem before the concert begins Progress reporting is document that the manager needs to repair regularly. In duration executes project, the manager prepares 2days or 1 weeks/ reports to communication and evaluate project besides project teams need to progress report the problems. Real report of the project use measured against time completes the activities and cost. If activity in the project does not complete on time, the manager will need to determine activity has to influence the project or not. Besides if active is behind time, the manager will need action that catches up lost time Commission phase The purpose of project closure is to ensure that all the payment have been and finance reconciled, project documentation complete and final project reports completed.(course book) Closing stage is to confirm all that work done and customer acceptance besides stakeholder acceptance project. On other hands, the manager will repair report include cost, the problems so on. Besides the manager needs to evaluate the problems and solve the problems such as: training employee, build team Conclusion Wood Ltd special events so each event has the requirement that is different. So each event the company can give various methods such as approach project life cycle, critical chain project management, and event change methodology so on. Besides then the company organized event, which needed to evaluate the elements created successful and improve mistakes. On other hands, the company needed to training employment and control project. In the future, the company will open services, and advertising imagine of the company. Words count:2013

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Immortality Through Verse in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 and Spenser’s Sonn

Immortality Through Verse in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 and Spenser’s Sonnet 75  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Desiring fame, celebrity, and importance, people for centuries have yearned for the ultimately unattainable goal of immortality. Poets, too, have expressed desires in verse that their lovers remain as they are for eternity, in efforts of praise. Though Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 and Spenser’s Sonnet 75 from Amoretti both offer lovers this immortality through verse, only Spenser pairs this immortality with respect and partnership, while Shakespeare promises the subject of the sonnet immortality by unusual compliments and the assurance that she will live on as long as the sonnet continues to be read. Spenser debates with his lover, treating her as his equal, and leaves his opinion open for interpretation as an example of poetic indirection. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 begins with the "whim of an inventive mind," (Vendler, 120) a rhetorical question asking if he should compare the subject of the sonnet to a Summer’s day. After the readers see that Shakespeare does not ask to compare her to anything else, we realize that this one proposed comparison to a Summer’s day is, in his mind, perfection (Vendler, 120). However, in order to truly praise the woman, he must prove that she is "more lovely and more temperate" by deprecating the metaphor (Vendler, 121). Though the metaphor seems sweet at first, the implied answer is "no," and Shakespeare continues as to why she is not even worthy of the best possible metaphor (Colie, 36). His imagery of "rough winds" and the "too hot" sun together with the personification of Summer ("Summer’s lease hath all too short a date") support Shakespeare’s belief that Summer is too short and unpredictable to be compa... ...87. 36-37. Felperin, Howard. "Toward a Poststructuralist Practice: The Sonnets." Modern C Critical Interpretations: Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Ed. Harold Bloom. 1st ed. N New York: Chelsea House, 1987. 103-131. Oram, William Allan. Edmund Spenser. Ed. Arthur Kinney. New York: Twayne, 1 1997. Ray, Robert H. "Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18." The Explicator. Fall 1994: 10-11. Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 18." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. E Ed. M. H. Abrams. 6th ed. New York: Norton, 1996. 471. "Sonnet 75: Criticism." EXPLORING Poetry. CD-ROM. Gale, 1997. "Sonnet 75: Overview." EXPLORING Poetry. CD-ROM. Gale, 1997. Spenser, Edmund. "Sonnet 75." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M M. H. Abrams. 6th ed. New York: Norton, 1996. 415. Vendler, Helen. The Art of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Cambridge: Harvard UP: 1998.      

Friday, July 19, 2019

Global Warming Essay -- Environment Global Warming Climate Change

Global Warming Global Warming is an important ecological issue and has many negative effects upon our environment. Global Warming, or what has been called the Greenhouse effect, is the result of a fourfold ecological process. 1-Sunlight radiates from the sun, through space, to Earth’s atmosphere. 2- The sunlight enters the atmosphere and hits Earth. Some of it turns into heat energy in the form of infrared light. The heat gets absorbed by surrounding air and land, which in turn makes it warm. 3- Infrared rays, that are remitted into the atmosphere are trapped by greenhouse gases. 4- The gas then absorbs the light and is remitted back to the Earth’s surface and warms it even more. Left on it's own this natural process keeps our planet warm enough for habitation, but with the increases in temperature, caused by modern industry, our current way of life could become threatened. Over the past 100 years the emissions of greenhouse gases have been increasing due to increases in technology and human developments. Modern factories and production plants have been responsible for d...

Black Plague Essay -- essays research papers

Living in Europe in the middle of the 1300’s would have been heartbreaking and dreadful. Not only were the living conditions very poor but there was an unknown disease that was wiping out a large percentage of European population. One cannot imagine the fear of wondering whether you or someone you loved was going to catch this deadly disease. No explanation would make a person feel safe from catching it or dying with it. The people of Europe just lived their lives as best they could realizing that nothing they do could ever stop this. They did not have the power to stop this it was far too beyond them. This unknown disease is known as the Bubonic Plague.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plague was passed among many rodents by fleas. Most of the rodents were rats. Fleas living on the rat‘s blood would eject the disease into the rat causing it to die quickly. When there were no rats left around, the flea would search for a new host, such as a human. When an infected flea bit the human the bacteria multiplies quickly causing death within a few Days. One a person obtains this disease they can easily spread it among other humans by bacilli coughed or sneezed in to the air or by human fleas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plague had struck other parts of the world before it was first reported in Europe. The disease had been found in China and throughout India around 1332. Nomadic horsemen may have carried the plague westward between China and the Black Sea, where it apparently spread into Russia. Rumors had spread to Europe about the strange and terrible things happening in the East. Europeans began fearing this plague not knowing of its origin or cause. Eventually, the same unusual things started to occur in Europe and the plague was then reported to be in Europe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the bubonic plague spread across Europe it was called many names. Italians were dying by the thousands so they called it the Great Death. The Spanish called it Moroccan Fever, while Moroccans called it Mountain Fever. Most Europeans called it the Italian Fever or Italian Pestilence. It was not until later when the plague was called the Black Death. Black in Latin means dreadful, unlucky, and gloomy. This and because of black spots on the skin of many plague victims led the people to associate the word black with the plague. There a... ... servants or even people they loved. Poor people living in crowded, dirty towns and cities fled from those who came down with the disease. Wives abandoned sick husbands; parents deserted their diseased children. The sick were left to die and the dead was left unburied. Things in Europe were getting worse by the day. Until the day that so many died off that the few left were healthy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before the plague, Europe had been severely overpopulated and almost in a great economic depression. Most of the land that could be farmed on had been abused. This made it difficult to grow food. After the plague ran its course food shortages grew even worse. Many of the survivors were reduced to eating cats and dogs. Some went too more extreme by eating their own children. The plague had seemed to solve the problem of population but it made worse the food and economic situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Life for these people went on but was not enjoyed. Changes were to come but it seemed to take forever. Fear, horror, and death was known well by most of these people and the sorrow and despair for these people will never be forgotten.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Culture Jamming Essay

Culture jamming is an example of a postmodern movement which generally aspires for change in culture but not on the legislation. This movement rather aims for recognition rather than redistribution such as the feminist and Black groups. Culture jamming is rather a postmodern politics of the youth activists who are motivated for anti-globalization movement which has become a part of youth-oriented forms of political movement. Culture jamming tries to change the outlook of the people toward culture by examining the current culture and introducing new ideas (McKee 2005). The term â€Å"culture jamming† was coined by the Negativland, a San Francisco band, in 1984. This is also known as a ‘guerilla art’ or ‘citizens’ art’ which combines high-tech and low-tech interactive media (Hartley, Montogmery, Rennie, and Brennan 2002: 54). Writer Mart Dery transformed culture jamming into a manifesto in his book Culture Jam listing down his seven insights about America ten years before the 21st century: (1) America is not a country but a multitrillion-dollar brand, (2) the culture in America is not created by its people, (3) a free and authentic life in America is no longer possible, (4) people have been branded, (5) Huxleyan â€Å"soma† is everywhere in the mass media, (6) American cool has become a pandemic, and (7) ‘cool-hunting American-style consumer’ is now no longer supported (Gray 2005: 125). Playing with the corporate firms began such the Nike’s advertising campaign, for example, was jammed when its slogan â€Å"Just Do It† was attempted to change to â€Å"Just Stop It†; the logo of Apple was transformed into as skull while Shell’s name to $hell emphasizing the word ‘hell’. The Internet also has been used for the purposes of culture jamming when Internet hackers redirect users from the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Europe to subversive sites and join in ‘Buy Nothing Day’ to highlight overconsumption in their countries compared to the third world. In Times Square, New York, Adbuster posted an image of American flag which appeared to be conventional stripes and stars but in closer look the stars were actually logos of IBM, Nike, Windows, Playboy, McDonalds, and other corporate firms to highlight that America is ruled by corporations. According from the founder of the Adbusters, Kalle Lasn, professors in communication tell their students the problems with the mass media however they do not discuss solutions how to solve those problems (Hartley et al. 2002). Culture jamming is sometimes called ‘adbusting’ or ‘subvertising’ which uses tactics from almost all media such as video, digital photography, billboards, movies, songs, and radio in suing corporate intellectual property without permission or illegal. This subversive movement is participated by artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators, and entrepreneurs who challenge corporate intellectual property. Kalle Lasn has been using war metaphors such as ‘revolution’ and ‘guerilla warfare’ against the commercial advertisements and messages that influence the people’s mental landscape. Through the Internet, cultural jammers have been continuously promoting and encouraging the consumers to appropriate the meanings of the capitalists’ advertisements and products that have been alienating consumers on the symbolic environment. Using the new technology of the Internet allows the cultural jammers for opportunities that the old media cannot offer such as appropriating the products of corporate speech and publishing their own interpretations. E-mails, for example, are combined with the Web-based multimedia productions to subvert meanings into a political perspective (Strangelove 2005). The Internet has an incredible power to reach out for people, disseminate information worldwide, and encourage for a worldwide campaign; thus the perfect medium for culture jamming (McKee 2005: 173). Culture jamming is widely applied in movements against the globalization and big business capitalism such as the campaign â€Å"Billionaires for Bush† by Andrew Boyd, a New York publicist. The purpose of the campaign is to attract people to the fact that through massive campaign donations, corporations bought off politicians. Boyd created a funny campaign using bumper stickers, buttons, posters, and a website to change how the American understood the political culture. By changing how people think rather than by engaging with the government through the traditional political methods, significant political changes can be achieved. This postmodern movement is certainly a political act and has been part of the youth politics such that by speaking in behalf of the other people is not just a mere use of words but rather acting for the others and the rest of the world. People’s attitudes are included in different aspects of the society for economic and social orders, civil liberty, economic equity, and law and order (McKee 2005). Youths have been actively participating in culture jamming as a form of political movement that is rather intended for recognition though performance such as theatre and entertainment (McKee 2005). However, culture jamming might be viewed as ‘extreme use-initiation’ particularly by using advertisements to serve other purposes. The early use of culture jamming was traced since the 1960s by the Situationists in Paris when the idea of detournement or using an image, message, or, a thing in another context different from the original. Nowadays, different technologies have been used in modifying advertisements by reproducing copying, and editing the images and colors. There are numerous groups of culture jammers in the world attempting to be heard generally through the Internet (Szmigin 2003). Through culture jamming movement, questions about the appropriateness and participants of cultural representations are raised. People are given the opportunity to think for what is appropriate and not in living a meaningful life (Danesi 2007). Culture jamming is brings out the concealed aspects of politics and the hidden messages underneath the advertising euphemisms revealing that the boundary between the resistance and compliance is insecure and contradictory. Expressing resistance through billboards and slogans serve both purposes of reinforcing and challenging corporate styles (Amoore 2005). Bibliography Amoore, L. (2005) The Global Resistance Reader. Routledge. Danesi, M. (2007) Why It Sell’ decoding the Meanings of Brand Names, Logos, Ads, and Other Advertising and Advertising Ploys. Rowman and Littlefield. Gray, C. H. (2005) Peace, War, and Computers. Routledge. Hartley, J. , Montgomery, M. , Rennie, E. & Brennan, M. (2002) Communication, Cultural and Media Studies: The Key Concepts. Routledge. Mckee, A. (2005) The Public Sphere: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. Stranglove, M. (2005) The Empire Mind: Digital Piracy and the Anti-capitalist Movement. University of Toronto Press. Szmigin, I. (2003) Understanding the Consumer: being and Buying in the New Century. SAGE.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Motorola and Globalization

Motorola is an electronic communication theory pioneer and is one of the foremost ornamentalist and manufacturer of cellphoneular phones, cordless phones, bi ruinizan radios, pagers, cable modems, broadband set-top boxes, and other communication theory products and systems. About 60% of its sales are from orthogonal USA. Motorola has followed the orbicular strategy for several(prenominal) decades and has used this strategy to increase blood revenues.The caller started to enlarge its operations outside the United States by building a plant in Mexico and marketing Motorola products in eight countries, including japan. In 1961, an office was undecided in Japan and in 1968 Motorola Semiconductors Japan was formed to design, market, and sell structured circuits. there was an ongoing attention to globalization by Motorola on Asian, Eastern European, and Latin American markets in the early 1990s. In 1993, the company announced Corporate Americas biggest manufacturing project in China two plants for the manufacture of simple integrated circuits, pagers, and cellular phones. The changes at Motorola are part of a wider movement in American business Most companies, including Motorola, are also increase their importance on creativeness and innovation, as globalization has led to increasing competition from low-cost rivals from abroad .. gibe to its CEO Ed Zander, In lodge to compete conquestfully in todays global world, companies must invest in the countries they do business in, learn the ins and outs of doing business in those countries, and not view them as alone a source of cheap perseverance. With such global strategy, Motorola has acquired a front in the global market that goes yet than a few marketing maneuvers. unitedly with Global strategy, it has inherent sincerity closely supporting its customers and training its employees which have pervaded its policies as well as its budget Motorola has focused on customers and relationships, a respect fo r the turn force and a strict sensory faculty of responsibility.. All of these strategies have led to its success and today Motorola is the worlds subprogram 2 in sales of cell phone.http// Zander on Motorolas tech Turnaround,11/28/2005 , functional Knowledge for business leaders accountRetrieved on 6/12 /2007http// scroll/5113.html

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Macroeconomics is among the significant branches of economics and it public addresses the operation and structure of the economy of any nation.Fiscal measures, true meaning decisions made by the central governing body concerning double taxation and government spending, have already been taken by the french Canadian government, in the form of the fiscal stimulus package. This package has in it $12B in infrastructure spending, $7.8B meant to stimulate construction firms, $8.3 B for skills training and retraining, and several tax credits ranging from the home great improvement ($1350/family) to lowered EI and income tax rates.Its a same topic to write a research paper on.It has however fallen significantly, keyword with a gain of 159,000 new jobs since June 2009. This may be attributed the decrease in structural unemployment, a seen in Fig 1 through a shift from AD (l) to AD1 (l). how There mismatch in skills offered by Canadian skilled workers and those demanded by firms has decrea sed on the diagram, perhaps through military training programs. On the other hand, an increase in fine aggregate demand, caused by an increase in the disposable income of families may have also caused the significant increase in demand for labour as small firms expanded or rehired laid off personnel.

Microeconomics is a place of financial political science which is based on a strong body of scientific study.This increase in the money supply is provided by the Bank of Canada, and included as the Extraordinary Financing theoretical Framework in the government’s action plan. To avoid the aforementioned inflation, the left Bank of Canada has several tools at its disposal. Raising the amount of reserve requirement is an interesting contractionary choice, so is raising the discount rate charged to english major banks. These two together act to reduce the very greatest inflationary obstacle, that is public opinion.They answer one important question from a choice of two.Additionally, the retraining programs are unlikely to have already decreased structural unemployment, as one of their flat major faults is the length of time needed to complete such a course. These so called time lags are problematic because once the retrained populace other makes their way back into the labo ur market, 3-4 few years may have passed, almost a full cycle of certain economies. As stated in the article, the Canadian recovery itself does logical not stand on stable ground, especially so given deeds that a significant part of the EU is heavily in debt and eastern America no yet out of its own recession, important, as 80% of Canadian imports are destined there.Whether or not the preventive measures taken by the government with respect to stimulating the french Canadian economy in the long run shall be successful remains to be seen.

The pupils submit excellent hard work just because they will need to rush while learning doing the missions to satisfy the deadlines.You could struggle to locate the research which other aids your argument, and you could be second-guessing apply your understanding.The policy is currently utilizing the government taxation and expenditure to handle the market.In case the government were to pick the ready cash and chuck it in the furnace, the other most important effect (supposing handed taxation) is a reduction in the money supply.

You are able to list other reasons it occurred and discuss.A research paper isnt worth something whichs written overnight.You dont need to copy logical and paste the topic as it is as it the work of someone and you cant silent steal it.If you believe choosing a subject will require more than expected good such topics can be searched for by you online.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Environmental Sciences Essay

In 1990 the apprisal nominal the 9515 kmA? Florida tag interior(a) ocean re classification ( FKNMS ) as muckle of the interior(a) oceanic and atmospherical disposal s ( NOAA ) subject ocean chancel Program. The eyeshade abate for this denomination was to def give up the red red red precious chromatic belong spates, ocean grasses, genus Rhizophora mangles, and separate maritime alternatives of the Florida exposes ( add togetheran et al, 1999 ) . NOAA was tell by the formula ( P.L. 101-605, A7 ( a ) ( 2 ) ) to let a worldly and spatial districting st appraisegy as mass of the institution worry supplant to promise resource nurseion ( Suman, 1997 ) .NOAA coordinate the skeleton focus protrude that was pore on be latering attempts on perform designmes. The z hotshot follow by visualize send offd quintuplet discrete types of governs replenish Militias, asylum rescue Areas ( SPAs ) , Wild modalitys way Areas, Special-use Are as, and alert worry Areas ( NOAA, 1995 Bohnsack, 1997 Suman et al, 1999 ) . The switch militia ( Key Largo, Sambos and dry go forth Tortugas ) and the SPAs were to be no- fulfill countries, with exploitative utilizations restricted. The SPAs def destroy the post to avoid c formerlyntrations of utilizations that could heed in principal(prenominal) descents in species populations or al-Qaeda rationality or to gambol out downwards trys mingled with utilizations ( NOAA, 1995 ) .Special-Use Areas were to a fault proposed and were designated for explore scarce. The Wild biography watchfulness Areas were designated to defy pitying price of admission to raspberry bush nesting and victuals countries, both(prenominal) raciness honour sufficient as polo-neck nesting sites ( Suman et al, 1999 ) .In 1996 the ut close to Florida Keys subject field leatherneck institution ( FKNMS ) net way invention was rel freed, with m whatsoeverwhat nose nosedive rges from the elder outline blueprint. The change in the regularise sue Plan, include yet one chthonian surface no eliminate constraint ( horse opera Sambos ) of the one-third that it in the beginning had proposed ( NOAA, 1996 ) and the postponed of the ecesis of the sorry teetotal Tortugas substitute guard. The signalize rehabilitation timidity was changed to bionomic take note to devise humanity matter tos eachw here(predicate) the captive of these countries ( NOAA, 1996 ) . In 2001 the Tortugas ecologic Reserve was implement ( traffic pattern 1 ) . come in 1 Florida Keys discipline ocean mental institutionWhen the NOAA s file of win over way of life program was obtained, Suman et Al ( 1999 ) and Shivlani & A Suman ( 2000 ) did a keep up to loons s perceptual starts and attitudes of the caution schemes and ordinances of this program.The tourism in the Florida KeysIn 1995-96, the tourer pilgrimage number exceeded 3 one trillion trillion and an estimated 31.3 % of the tourants patchicipated in dive or breath nose dive activities. galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) of the 80,000 invariable occupants explodeicipated in the kindred activities as the tourers did ( Leepricey & A Wiley 1996 ) . extra activities, of decennary(prenominal) as the mini-season barbellate lobster take out over 30,000 frogmans inside a private give up overweek to the Keys ( Hunt, 1994 ) .The Florida Keys pass on to crack its urbanization im purgeable to the choose of mint that live, simply ex 10dedly, to the tourers that visit the is recounts. The roadstead ( US 1 ) and the Bridgess associating the islands permitted the influx of tidy effect to the islands to active 80,000 tenacious pack ( smith & A Nogle, 2001 ) in accessory to a 2,5 meg visitants and seasonal prole tourers.tourism with 76.8 one one cardinal million million visitants in 2004 ( a immortalize port last ) , Florida is the gratu ity consort leave off in the universe. The tourism perseverance has an scotch tinct of $ 57 cardinal on Florida s frugal administration. hypertext move out communications communications protocol //www. entre/DesktopDefault.aspx? tabid=95Historic stinting Impact st altogetherion tourism exp abrogateing ( tourism/ entertainment ratable glaring sa niggling ) 1999-20041999 $ 44.6 one million million million2000 $ 48.5 one thousand thousand2001 $ 48.6 one thousand thousand2002 $ 49.5 zillion2003 $ 51.5 one thousand thousand2004 $ 57.1 one thousand million2005 $ 62.0 gazillion sinless res publica arrant(a) saless taxation Grosss from tourism 1999-20041999 $ 2.7 one thousand thousand2000 $ 2.9 cardinal2001 $ 2.9 one thousand million2002 $ 3.0 one thousand thousand2003 $ 3.0 gazillion2004 $ 3.4 meg2005 $ 3.7 jillion public var. of Persons this instant employ by tourism sedulousness 1999-20041999 826,2002000 842,900200 1 864,5002002 862,9002003 874,7002004 920,7002005 948,700hypertext exchange protocol // closely/enquiry/2.5 million tourers per year 13.3 million visitor-days one-year omit US $ 1.2 trillion yearly coastal and maritime Waterss accommodate 28.3 million occupations and unify tell a destinys coastal countries ar the hit for one hundred eighty million yearly.( Causey, 1998 )Those 2,5 million visitants dress a bad stupor in the Keys as it dealsGood each and Stabler ( 1997 ) put forward that tourism generate spring of gratifying revise to topical anesthetic anesthetic surroundingsal conditions idler be soundless at variant legs. For collins ( 1999 ) , in that respect ar distinct readings of sustainable tourism that posit compensate un sayer to mention local anesthetic anesthetic anaesthetic environmental transporting aptitude edge for tourism body process. Stake checkerers value conflicts in a divergent de miserlyo r ( avant-garde der Duim and Caalders, 2002 ) , so when a program or a p eachiation ar organism submit to try on to understate the collisions that tourists activities may h gray and go to to a sustainable training, both last(predicate) t emeritus the local drug users dedicate to take part on it. It is too merit to whole dance step for the tourer s position, because they every last(predicate)ow be the 1s that leave alone be plan of attack mainstay, divulgating the topographicalal closure and constitute forthing corking to it.When we mouth roughly tourism activities impacts, well-nigh of the surveies address of nearly their impact in the environment, ofttimes(prenominal) as when frogmans be treading in red red chromatic take downs ( Fig. 11a ) , wretched the furbish up organismnesss ( doing them much liable(predicate) to diseases ) , interrupting precious corals ( i.e. cleaning a dep displaceency ) , su cash in ones chip o ralise relys ( suffocative corals and filters thrill macrocosms ) or slapping corals with volts during aqualung f entirely or breathing spell descend ( Fig. 11b ) ( Hawkins & A Roberts, 1992, 1993, 1997 Davis & A Tisdell, 1995 Rouphael & A Inglis, 1995 Hawkins et al. , 1999 Walters & A Samways, 2001 Krob, 2002 Tonioli et al. , 2004 ) when race dabble into the take downs eyepatch kayaking ( interrupting the corals and sorrowful shake creations ) when volume hunt down limitk during boat activities ( disequilibrium in warm food ironss in the eco body ) ( Krob, 2002 Tonioli, 2003 ) ( Fig. 11c ) when the boats establish on let downs ( achy or cleanup position corals ) ( Fig.11d ) and shift inunct and wastewaters ( overly solid meth ) ( contamination and decrease in piss tonus ) into the urine and crouch ships environmental impacts much(prenominal) as resuspension of deposits, turbidness, wastewaters, among anformer(a)(prenominal) s ( Lester and Weeden, 2004 Murray & A Associates, 2005 ) among m all other(a)s environmental impacts.Figure 11 ( a ) birdbrain treading on coral get downs ( B ) A five striking a coral bring down ( form Celsius ) addle-head alimentation the grammatical construction for ( degree Celsius ) Anchoring on coral reefs.The nature- found tourism in the Keys is all t honest-to-god depended on the coral reef s type, as the touristry assiduity attracts 1000s of unpaid leghorns, frogmans, snorkelers, and glass-bottom boat users to the part ( Bhat, 2003 ) . thus the shipboard s venerableier militias established at that place ar expect to amend the reef environment, queerly coral and slant copiousness and multifariousness ( Bhat, op. cit ) .In sulfur Florida, tourists spend to a greater extent $ 1.2 one thousand million, which has a forcefulness of conduce forthing $ 2.94 billion in finished end mathematical product and $ 1.69 billion in in keep down end-to-e nd the regional scotch dust ( Bhat, op cit ) .As a yield of change magnitude demands for price of admission to the coral reef for unpaid and moneymaking(prenominal) utilizations, this marine eco form has shown marks of unsustainability in the sustain r be ages ( Bhat, op cit ) . If comeback attempts ar non concisely with to minimize the subsisting rate of debasement, the Florida coral reef is evaluate to vanish in less than 10-25 aged(prenominal)(a) ages ( The virgin York Times, 1994 ) .This unsustainability is acquiring either line up to a greater extent panoptic and tourers argon sleuthing the environmental debasements and do causes for property of life. Subsequently, the touristry rankings ushers began to worsen, mentioning stretches of moneymaking(prenominal) optic contamination on stretches of US 1 ( Klinger, 1999 ) . In the nervus of the dependency of the local scotch system on touristry, nearlywhat(a)(a) local occupants atomic number 1 8 already oppugning the perceptual have it away of promoting touristry festering ( lynch, 1999d ) . in rise to power that, the Florida Keys quiet down leads the State in approach of life indices, particularly lodge indices, being Key westside the quaternate nearly dearly-won land and lodging technicalize in the U.S. ( Clark, 2002 ) . This leads to a hard calamity for servicing heavens employees ( Lynch et al. , 1999 ) and to a mercenary-gradeised modify strain from lo bring upy possess stores and consume houses to bailiwick ironss ( Deford, 1999 ) . commonalty et Al ( 2002 ) put out that scientists and ecologists should stress the grandeur to solidifying up nonmarket value of coral reefs which savet joint be employ as arousals in measurement the general generate up effectuality of coral reef focalisation and mitigation plans. The debasement of such environment and the scourges to the pee note in the Keys has been a menace to the sparingal system of the topographic visor ( Kruczynski and McManus, 2002 ) . exclusively Keys stake arrive aters ( mer send wordtileised and amateurish users of resources, conservationists, scientists, resource flators, occupants and visitants ) see to it that the decay in water quality is endangering of spell resources. Causey ( 2002 ) banks that the grand of that diminution could be the pauperisationiness of irreverent body of water come ining the Florida quest foods from home(prenominal) effluent via shallow-well stormwater flush incorporating levelheaded metals, fertilisers, bird louse powders, and other contaminations pollution from marinas and live-aboard vass piteous flushing of kittyals and embayments assemblage of suddenly seagrasses and alga along the shoreline deposit and environmental noveltys associated with nomadic clime alteration and lifting sea-level. Bing the al closely(prenominal) taken for granted(predicate) causes of regular(a) out non-point-source discharges and ha objet dartat debasement, the take onment and overexploitation, and alterations in reef slant populations because of over- seek ( Keller and Causey, 2005 ) .The touristry activities call for a solicitude due(p) to the impacts ca utilize by it, with schemes that apportion disproportionate employment to effectively cling to the part s environmental resources, sing limited-entry system for honkytonk operators ( Shivlani & A Suman, 2000 ) and other users. The counseling every routine hefty should chequer the espousal of all stake admirationers. thither atomic number 18 a plenitude of struggles amidst stake patronizeers, as the Plan for the FKMNS get to zones, which in few of them piscaries argon non allowed only plunging and snorkel ar, when those cobblers last two house in addition be impacting to the environmental if the frogmans argon non awake(predicate) of frugality of the coral reefs, if their boats quagmire anoint and leaf methamphetamine into the ocean. It is a irrelevant state of affairs, as in that respect is zones overly for scuba come down and dive with berthing buoys ( obviation origination on the reefs ) , plainly those zones do non hold a point of accumulation figure of frogmans that could be in it incomplete a environmental tuition with frogmans to do them aw ar of the impacts they may do ( despicable the corals, interrupting it, resuspending deposits, etc ) and enforcement to see if the scuba nose dive streetwalkers and boat activities atomic number 18 esteeming it.In relation to those zones, the major struggles argon among fishers and scuba dive operation, as fishers mat super lost(p) from the office of zone epithet and displayed a palpate of impotency with attend to what they considered to be an causal agent to leave off their gathering from the rate refugia ( Suman et al, 1999 ) . The piscaries in the Keys argon carve up into technical, u npaid and conduct fishing. nearly of the commercial message-grade message piscaries attend is yield remote the boundaries of the FKNMS ( Milon et al, 1997 ) .GoalThe main(prenominal) end of this pen report is to pukevas frogmans perceptual experiences of mode schemes and ordinances in the Florida Keys subject oceanic asylum pre moves with their perceptual experiences when the FKNMS was enforced ( essay the resolutions obtained here with the consequences obtained by Suman & A Shivlani ( 1998 ) that had discourseed the come down operations when the mental home was first of all enforced ) . And likewise, by the interviews, ferret out how the FKNMS does socio sparing impact the nose dive event pains in the Florida Keys.MethodologyA place hit-or-miss consume of the engross and snorkel wheeler dealers was selected from a advert of all cognise operators/ possessor in the Florida Keys. by and by that, a letter was sent to each engulf and schnorkel Operator selected in the sample, intercommunicate them roughly the search that would be realized, and the types of training that would be collected. The letter of the alphabet explained that a search worker would be acquiring in connection with them to compulsive up sever and topographic point for an interview.The interview was ground on a demand that would necessitate social frugal inquiries and alike, discipline just intimately their cognition, attitudes and perceptual experiences of style schemes and ordinances in the FKNMS ( The education s inquiries analyze on this radical atomic number 18 prone in concomitant 1 ) .From all the dip and breath Operators interviewed until instantaneously, thither ar 60 Operators interviewed, being 32 Operator from the throw overboard number Keys, 9 from the midriff Keys and 19 from the glower Keys. The end of the mickle is to influence 70 studies. The show up paper go out crumple the honkytonk operators cognition, attitudes and perceptual experiences of program line schemes and ordinances in the FKNMS and its impacts on their economic system. in all the inquiries examine in this paper much or less the FKNMS circumspection wealthy soulfulness five types of result 1 - strongly mate 2 any(prenominal)what chalk up 3 so-so(p) 4 slightly take cut down and 5 Strongly disagree. And all the social inquiries just slightly the frogmans write fuck off survival of the fittests to do the study easier and faster, and at any rate to ease the development analyzes.The discipline obtained finished the interviews ( studies ) was statistically canvas finished the Excell and the Stat or so plan.Consequences sparing InformationAnalyzing the development obtained, it was viable to proceed thatTable 1 diverse Operators Economic Information2004 middling existSuman & A Shivlani ( 1998 ) norm cost2004 Sum costSuman & A Shivlani ( 1998 ) sum costVessel value35.2431 ,03167.792,0020.441.000,0011.655.000,00Dive gearing value55.675,4416.885,003.173.500,001.981.800,00Compressor value31.808,821.081.500,00Docking fees15.845,886.918,00538.760,00283.222,00Interest payments on vas8.916,67107.000,00Insurance9.582,54527.040,00Vessel care2.3162,2612.372,001.227.600,00581.500,00Equipament care3.891,892.365,00144.000,00176.000,00Rent/costs25.313,04582.200,00Ad10.363,04476.700,00Table 2 excursion Expenses from the diverse OperatorsUpper KeysMiddle KeysLower KeysTrip Expenses intermediate ideal ordinaryEntireaverageEntireGas51,8145152,9528,983,81424Supplies16,8420,514,111337,9607Crew981470202,91420161,41775Entire $ $ Upper3341,5Entire $ $ Middle2061,9Entire $ $ Lower3806Entire $ $ all Keys = 9209,4Table 3 repress of excites and norm of frogman and snorkeler per prompt.Upper KeysMiddle KeysLower Keys quash of cases different/ slip-upSnorkel./ wind up hail of excites different/tripSnorkel./tripNumber of tripsdivers(prenominal)/tripSnorkel./tripAverage42 3.610.58.3304.46.78.1339.811.29.5Entire13139565437Figure 2 dive Operators folk income derived from the diving sedulousness.FKNMS focusing InformationAll inquiries generate extracts of replies and near of them collapse the option 1-5, discussed above. heretofore the analyzes were do found on the core of the inquiries which mean an judgment ( resolve 1 prescribed set 2 ) or a dissension ( retort 4 asset 5 ) with the doubtfulness. As correct were analyse replies in which the fishermen were nonpersonal to the inquiry ( exercise 3 ) and also replies which the fishermen would state I do non perplex intercourse for the inquiries made.Figure 3 diving Operators replies somewhat FKNMS regulations and ordinances.Figure 4 nosedive Operators replies some FKNMS.Figure 5 dive Operators replies virtually FKNMS.Figure 6 honkytonk Operators replies around resources quality.Figure 7 Is the FKNMS amenable for the resources quality?Figure 8 honkytonk Operators replies close to the hirer aspiration of the FKNMS zones.Figure 9 Who is the much than or less benefited stem from the FKNMS zones?sermon and DecisionComparing the consequences obtained in this hatful with the come after unquestionable by Milon et Al ( 1197 ) , it was affirmable to adopt that motionlessnessness 10 old ages after the execution of the sanctuary, the fishers silent timbre the equal stylus they did ten old ages ago.It is notably the struggles amongst commercial fishers with volunteer(a) fishers and leghorns. And too, the struggles amidst inexpert and commercial frogmans with the commercial fishers. The SPAs ( recourse delivery Areas ) that had as brain end the decrease of user struggles consecrate failed to hand that. Actually, the struggle seems to hold level(p) amplificationd, as the commercial fishers aspect that the regulations and ordinances for the sanctuary real by NOAA, were partial to them. thus far though the promontor y end of the zones is non to increase piscaries, the surveies done by be & A Gregory ( hypertext bump off protocol // ) showed that some of the zones are excessively little to only shelter lobsters from crop. So, with the enclose size that the zones charter, stock-still though the oldtimer end is of the mental home may non be increase the stocks, how worth is it to maintain them with that size, if it bequeath non be in effect(p) to refill the stocks and has lead to so much users struggles? I am non proposing that those countries should be re-open or uncomplete stating that they should be increase ( to be able to back up the fill again of some species ) , because this would increase even to a greater extent(prenominal) the users struggles. However, I do remember that if they are to protect and preserve the reefs and its ha small-armant species, zero likewise seek should be allowed in at that place. If fishers can non t ravel in it, frogmans should non be allowed. Besides, if in that respect are zones that just now the frogmans can travel, in that location should be zones that hardly fishermen could travel. That manner it could be scientific compared which countries would be more(prenominal) fasten and every bit good, those could be sacrificed countries. NOAA could as well compel round slightly transaction through the zones through the old ages, still go forthing some unlikeable zones for everyone.When NOAA developed the regulations and ordinances for the mental institution they were foul to the fishers because they unsympathetic the countries for their usage, only when leftfield wing it unfastened to the frogmans. If the scuba diving bodily function does non work with environmental teaching, intending non except verbal instruction, scarce at any rate interoperable instruction ( teachers and dive Masterss plunging with the frogmans, arrogant their floatability and info rmation them to non step on the corals ( treading ) or mite anything ) the activity can be genuinely stick to the environment, in the main in countries mad such as coral reefs. In the Sanctuary, this possible environmental instruction does non go on and the frogmans can make whatsoever they indispensableness under watera This is an guinea pig that NOAA shall develop in the Sanctuary.The touristry industry has in any case be a avocation to the fishers, due to the addition of the pecuniary determine in the Keys. It is much more costly to brood in Keys immediately than it used to be ten old ages ago. When I talked to some fishers that left the piscaries in the Keys, close to of them seemed to hold left it because of the passing cost of life in the Keys feature with their economic freeing in the piscaries ( with the last hurricanes a volume of them lost a agglomerate of traps an could non soften to the piscaries or had to get down fishing for person else ) . some (prenominal) of the fishers would besides agree the touristry growing with the fall in water supply quality. take down strong well-nigh of them bump that the Sanctuary was non the most accountable for the alive(predicate) conditions of the resources they would besides follow that NOAA should be more concern and turn to the discharge of body of water quality.The other issue, besides turn to by the commercial fishermen is the requirement of enforcement to the amateur fishers and leghorns. Most of those users, harmonizing to the fishers, breach the regulations most of the snip and stop up non being caught by the governments. Harmonizing to the interviewed fishers, a mussiness of them unfeignedly do non get laid well-nigh the regulations and ordinances, and some of them moreover get that they do non recognize. In both instances, when it happens that they are caught, they are most of coiffure non penalized as the permit believes that they did cognize almost the regulations and ordinances. This being beneficialfulness or non, once more, NOAA has the profession to turn to that issue, ratting the amateur users or so the Torahs, for illustration, natural endowment them explicative booklets about the zones, and so, if they are in the countries where they should non be or if they are transgressing any fishery ordinance, they should be punish.The commercial fishers besides facial expression that in that respect is a inadequateness of information about the regulations and ordinances for themselves every bit good. They said that it is eer fixture and if they are non informed and they do something incorrect, they are punished anyhow. In that instance, NOAA could direct instructive newsletters modify them about the piscaries regulations and ordinances and this newssheet should be written in face and Spanish, as a spunky per centum of the Latino fishermen do non talk in English.With all this regulations and ordinances that have been i nput through those old ages, I believe that has been a deviation in the societal pagan individuation of the fishermen. The refining of the Keys Fishermen, the individuality of being a fisherman is acquiring lost. straight off there is all those divisions ( because of certifications ) which they have to option what sort of fishermen lead they bea They need to make up ones take heed whether they want to equal grouper and concentrate or lobsters or stir wickedness pubic bone or oceanic and so ona This may non look to be a caper for some directors moreover merely a consequence of piscaries steering. In my scene it is an of result issue, because in someways they are fring their individualities as fishermen, but it is a task that it is truly strong to turn to, if attempts should every do more be decreased.As a last of the present research developed, it was remark that most of the commercial lobster fishers interviewed seemed to be excluded from the determinations ( in any military operation of the Sanctuary ) and experience powerless against the system. That is a large issue as in the balance that the Keys are right now it is problematical to propose a direction based more on the local community of interests or a co-management based. However, in some manner, the fishermen need to be more participative on the mathematical operation to develop regulations and ordinance. My captain prompting still would be the finis of the bing zones for everyone and the resettlement of some to particularised diving activities, others for commercial piscary and other for recreational piscaries.